While intended more as a shot at the arrogance of the HOA Board in
directing me to use Peachtree Post & Box Company and refusing to give me the
plans and specifications for the "neighborhood standard" mailbox design -
those of you who have followed this saga know I had already ordered the box
from Peachtree prior to getting the letter and canceled the order because I
did not appreciate the tone of the letter - the Catfish became the symbol of
the tyranny of the HOA Board and a welcome addition to our family. Our
three year old son, Drew, especially liked it when the Catfish was "being a
reindeer" this past Christmas, and he says something about the Catfish
almost every time we pull in or out of the driveway.
We decorated the Catfish up for his last hoorah over the Fourth of
July and endured some mailbox tampering over the holiday, with someone
attaching a "Home of the Brave" mailbox cover (see below); we could
not tell if it was from a friend or foe and, not wanting to seem pretentious
to those who believed we placed it on the mailbox ourselves, we removed it.
We must admit that it was pretty clever, nonetheless, because of the double
meaning, and thought you might want to see it. I have also included below a
picture of a notice we got on a UPS sticker asking us to remove the Catfish
- again clever, because while on the one hand we do not think the folks at
UPS would care, on the other hand, it is possible they do. In any event,
the "Reign of the Catfish" is coming to a close, and while many in the
neighborhood seem to have enjoyed it, for others, the end can come none too
soon. Those of you who have come to know and love him should never fear,
however, as he will always live on in our minds and hearts and will also be
on display over my work-bench in the garage for as long as we live in High

High Gables Main
Copyright © Larry C. Oldham, P.C.
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