Lynn and I invited the current HOA Board to meet with us at our home on August 3, 2006 and Bob Clark, John Elliott, Linda Ebert and Mark Joiner were able to make it.  At that meeting, each side was able to answer some questions and explain some things in a manner that was not possible once the legal process had been engaged.  It was clear that both sides believe they acted reasonably based on the information available to them at the time they made their respective decisions, and we all agreed that there need to be some changes to the process in order to avoid similar problems in the future.  Both sides made clear that while they would have to respectfully agree to disagree, all of us must get along in this neighborhood and there is no need to dwell in the past.  The meeting was productive and brought closure to this matter in a manner that hopefully will allow us all to get beyond the misundertandings, hurt feelings and anger that were a necessary byproduct of the lawsuit.

        As is usually the case in human relationships, better communication is the key to resolving issues, and all of us agreed that it makes sense to work on changes to the rules that govern our neighborhood to provide a mechanism that will reduce the possibility of something going awry in the future.  As committed as I was to explaining myself and vindicating my actions during the litigation, I am just as interested in fixing the problems that exist in the neighborhood's governing documents and helping advise the current and future HOA Board members about how to resolve the issues that inevitably arise in a cost-effective and reasonable manner.  Lynn and I and our boys look forward to the future and have put this matter behind us for good.

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