Posted on the Main Page on February 28, 2006
Another Note from the Defendant
        I have made extensive postings to this web page in an effort to enlighten and entertain my family, friends, neighbors and others regarding important issues that all of us who live in neighborhoods with protective covenants should understand and consider, to attempt to engage the High Gables HOA and its counsel in meaningful discussion that could have led to a reasonable resolution of this dispute before it escalated to a point of no return, and to show that I have made every reasonable effort to resolve this matter while minimizing the waste of resources.  As this matter has progressed, I have been disappointed to learn that very few of my neighbors deem this matter of enough importance to keep themselves informed by reviewing the information I am making available on these web pages.
        I have said everything I want to say on the soapbox issues of importance to me in this matter and will continue to provide periodic updates of the latest happenings in the litigation.  As you can see, I have spent a great deal of time on the High Gables web pages, often to the point of information overload.  I trust that those of you who have bothered to read and consider the information contained herein have come away with a better understanding of the issues involved and why reasonable adult people who are neighbors should have been able to find a way to resolve this matter amicably.  Such has not been the case, however, and the parties have drawn their lines in the sand.  I did what I could to avoid this mess and to minimize the costs to all involved, and at this point I am going to focus on the litigation itself and reduce the amount of time I spend on these web pages.  Rest assured that I will see this matter through to the end, whatever that end may be.
        Despite what I believe to be reasonable efforts on my part, I was unable to reach common ground with my neighbors over the resolution of this matter.  I posted a final appeal to reason on this main page on January 7, 2006 and sent a final settlement proposal on January 9, 2006 which was summarily rejected by the HOA Board by letter from its counsel dated January 10, 2006.
        To keep up with the progress of this litigation, you can start checking "The Latest Updates" as of January 7, 2006 to find out what is happening and what parts of this web page have new information added to them.  I know these pages contain a lot of information, but I want to make sure that everyone who desires to do so can find out what is going on with respect to this matter at any particular point in time.  If you think this dispute is an isolated problem, you should check out some of the litigation links, articles and other information at the website of the American Homeowners Resource Center -  Please note that while some of the folks who post information on the AHRC site are a little over the top, it certainly is thought-provoking.
        Let the chips fall where they may.

High Gables Main

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