Some of you have approached me about giving me your proxy for the upcoming meeting.  If you desire to do so, you should not use the proxy provided to you by the HOA, as it may limit what can be done at the meeting (I have discussed this issue regarding business to be conducted at special meetings in my mass mailing to you all).  Please also be aware that I am not interested in having your proxy for the sole purpose of voting down the $100.00 special assessment and will not agree to serve as your agent unless you sign the written consent and proxy that I have provided on these web pages to be used for the special meeting.  If you use the proxy I have provided, you are certainly welcome to limit my authority as specified therein and I will agree to carry out your wishes.  Please understand that written consent authorizes the conduct of any business at the meeting, and not just whether or not the HOA can assess all of us $100.00 each.  If we are going to the trouble, then why not be able to discuss what we need to discuss at the meeting.  I am not asking for you to agree with all my positions, I am only asking that you give democracy a chance within this neighborhood.  Thank you for your support and cooperation.

High Gables Main

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