One of my favorite sayings is "Stick a fork in me; I'm done". Those seven simple words says so much. I will find out a week from next Tuesday whether or not it is time to stick a fork in me with respect to my dispute with the "powers that be" in High Gables. One of three things will happen: (i) I will be booed mercilessly by the crowd (which I was ashamed to hear actually happened to the Creech family), will say my piece at the meeting and will move on with my life; (ii) either me or others who think like me will assume control of the HOA, in which case we will do what is necessary to fix the problems that exist in the neighborhood, including firing the current management company and law firm who serve as the advisors to the HOA; or (iii) a large enough group of HOA members will ask me to represent them in a derivative proceeding against the individual members of the current HOA Board to collect the money that they have squandered and we will do so at no charge. I can live with any of the foregoing outcomes, or some other turn of events that I have not been able to anticipate.
No matter what the outcome of the special meeting (and other than reporting on it for you faithful followers who will be wanting to know what happened), this matter is drawing to close for me and I will soon be done. Other than some periodic updates that I may post from time-to-time, there is no real reason for me to continue adding to the High Gables v. Oldham web pages, my objective having been accomplished. Those of you who have followed this situation and listened to me over the past several months have my thanks and my regards, and while the High Gables posting will be a permanent link on my firm website, I will be retiring from this crusade after the logical conclusion of whatever takes place at the special meeting.
Copyright © Larry C. Oldham, P.C.
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