The reason for these High Gables web pages is quite simple. I want my friends and neighbors to know my side of this story, whether they agree with me or not. I also believe there will be hard feelings by a number of folks in High Gables against me and my family once this matter is concluded. While I believe I can look at it in a detached fashion and purely as a matter of business, I acknowledge that same may be hard to do for a number of us. Nevertheless, my family and I intend to live here for at least the next 20 years, and there is no reason that any of us should have to feel weird when we see each other on the street or around town. I am not one to hold grudges, and I make my living representing people who sometimes have no choice but to agree to disagree. That being said, there is no reason for me, my family or my children to be treated any differently by any of my neighbors, and I want to clear the air with all of them by saying that none of us should feel badly about each other for pursuing what we believe in our hearts is the right thing to do.
Copyright © Larry C. Oldham, P.C.
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