This page will include links to any comments that the HOA board and any of my neighbors in High
Gables who have the decency to identify themselves want to post,
whether pro or con to my position. I really want to hear it all,
whether you are with me or against me. So long as you identify
yourself to me, I will post your comments and will not include your name.
If you want me to post your name, please specify your request for me to do
so in the e-mail message you send to me. To post any information to this
page, send it to Larry Oldham by clicking the following link: Send
December 15,
"...We were
unaware of the lawsuit until informed by a letter from the HOA. We did not
know the identity of the defendant until we received the letter from Larry
Oldham on December 14. We read the correspondence section of this web site
and feel that the offer of settlement is acceptable. The purpose of
the HOA is to ensure the compliance of the covenants. All violations have
been resolved or will be with the settlement. The purpose of the HOA is not
to 'win' a lawsuit. We would like to encourage the board to accept this
offer. We need to turn our focus toward things of importance like
children, family, friends, and community. There are men and women fighting
for our freedom in Iraq. Some are giving their lives. This lawsuit pales in
comparison to their sacrifice."
December 15,
"As a fellow
neighbor, I want to apologize for your cold welcome....I moved into this
neighborhood [within the last couple of years]. I have enjoyed my home but
do not attend any association meetings. I keep to myself, but will attend a
meeting if you called one. I believe there needs to be rules but this is out
of hand. I hope there will be a time when you and your wife & children will
be able to call this home with no feelings of animosity."
December 15,
"I had no
idea that this situation had elevated to the level that it has. I heard
rumors that some neighbors had complained but we have some that complain
about everything....If there is anyone that should have issues with
"unsightly" neighbors or storm run off I should be one of them. I live at
the bottom of [a] hill where all the storm run off ends up....The thing that
bothers me the most about the whole situation is that some people think that HOA board members and neighbors/friends are mutually exclusive terms. I am
all about protecting my property values and preserving the integrity of the
covenants but this to me is neither. It has turned into a personal attack
and the neighborhood is being hurt by the whole issue. The key to this whole
matter is intent. Unlike the previous situation that we encountered where
there was obvious intent to undermine the HOA covenants, your situation has
only been a matter of meeting a deadline set by anxious individuals. I
believe friendly communication between neighbors could have avoided this
whole situation. I believe the majority of the families in the neighborhood
are more concerned about spending quality time with their Family, Friends
and Neighbors [and] enjoying the Holiday Season than worrying about [your]
December 16,
"While I did
not know that this had elevated to this level I did know that it was going
on from conversations with your wife and running by your house. If I lived
closer I may have been more concerned and even then it would not have
bothered me as much as most. I’ve never met you but have talked to your wife
on occasion and have known her sister for 20 years and know that none of
this was intentional or thought you had no plans to complete a main
component in a large investment of your time and money. Does anybody
remember how rainy June and July were? if you were to pour a concrete
driveway during this time you would have been throwing your money away, now
having said that August, September and October were plenty dry enough to
pour and I’m not clear as to why you did not pour at this time? In an
earlier post someone mentioned the Creech incident and I agree these are
totally separate cases. I feel the board was correct in enforcing the
covenants in this case because it was an obvious case of someone trying to
get what they wanted and everybody else be damned but I was not happy with
the settlement. I feel as you do in a situation such as this, see it through
or do not bother to waste your neighbor’s time or money. I hope that the
board will make the smart decision and put this thing to bed, but at the
same time you have to be reasonable as well and some of your
demands/requests/ actions are not. Best of luck to a speedy and fair
resolution to what has become a ridiculous matter."
January 10,
"I hope all
of the law suit silliness gets handled quickly and you and Lynn can get on
with your lives. I look forward to being good friends with you and
your family."
High Gables Main
Copyright © Larry C. Oldham, P.C.
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