Early on in this process, I asked all of you as my neighbors to rise up and do something to end the madness and you declined to do so.  Your apathy has cost each of us $100.00 with this proposed new assessment, not to mention the $100.00 or so each that this HOA Board has squandered by depleting the HOA's reserves in proceeding against me.  I have suggested that each individual member of this HOA Board should have the character and integrity to pay back 1/7 each of the amounts they have spent in unnecessarily proceeding against me.  Their response has been to attempt to pass the costs along to each of us, and none of us, as members of the HOA, have to stand for this.  I have paid the price to defend myself (more than $17,000.00 in my time before all is said and done) and have voluntarily agreed to forego my opportunity to recoup those costs from the HOA only because I was going to spend an additional $5,000.00 to $10,000.00 of my time to bring this matter to an end.  Since the HOA Board had finally come to grips with the fact that it had no chance of prevailing against me and I felt Judge Bishop would not award me my attorney's fees and expenses of litigation, it was to bring the Action to a close.
        I have made voluminous information available to each of you and have left it to you to do something about this.  I have avoided going door to door to meet with you and rally you to my cause, and I believe that most of you have failed to focus on the arguments and issues involved in this Action against me.  This is your opportunity to get off your duffs and do something about it.  It should enrage you as much as it does me that this HOA Board that would never agree to call a special meeting where I could address my grievances against it is nevertheless willing to call a meeting to replenish the HOA's reserves, especially when each of the individual HOA members has been presented with at least the possibility that the HOA and its members have a right to proceed against them for money they have wasted.  This special meeting has now given all of us the opportunity to put the current HOA Board in its place and we should seize the opportunity to do so.
        I do not know how many of you are with me or against me, but I know that you have elected to sit on the sidelines throughout this process and allow the tyranny of a group that has too much power and too little sense to continue against one of your neighbors with a legitimate beef.  It is time for us as a group to make ourselves heard, either by backing the HOA Board and bellying up to the bar or letting it know that we will not allow this outrage to continue.  If something is to be done, you have to care, as I do not have the right or authority any more to do it by myself.  If you care about changing things in this neighborhood, this is your opportunity to do so.  If you approve of the status quo, then send in your $100.00 check to Heritage Management and do not waste your time attending the special meeting.
        Sure, some feelings are going to get hurt and some feathers ruffled, but if that has to happen, it should happen in an open forum in a way that preserves the integrity of the process and right to be heard.  Ours is a nation that subscribes to the rule of law and this HOA is required to operate in accordance with its governing documents and the requirements of Georgia law.  Whatever you do, and no matter what side you fall on, at least do all of us in the HOA the favor of signing the written consent I have included on this web page so, at a minimum, we will have the ability to conduct the same business at the upcoming special meeting as we could conduct at a regular meeting of the HOA.  It is the least you can do, and I encourage all of you to attend and make you voices heard, whether pro or con to my side of this dispute.

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