I started these web pages in November of last year in order to avoid having to explain myself to my neighbors, reasoning that I could simply direct them to these web pages where all the facts and arguments would be readily available to them.  The more time I spent on this site and the issues involved in the Action, the more the web pages grew, and before I knew it, I was literally snowing under vistors to these pages with information.  Those who have followed this matter from the beginning have seen these web pages evolve, and those who are new to the matter need some guidance on how to navigate through them.
        As I have reviewed and reflected upon what I have written in the past, I am reminded that there is nothing I posted that I did not think was important to an overall understanding of the arguments and issues in the actions taken against me by the HOA Board.  I used these topical discussions to explain and develop my arguments and legal defense, and I always knew doing so would come in handy some day.  I posted the links as I created them in an effort to give the enemy time to read and understand where I was going and what might be important, but the HOA's consistent bungling in the handling of this matter tells me that it and its advisers did not give these web pages (or, for that matter, my conversations with, and correspondence to, them) the attention they deserved.
        You had better believe that if it is a possible issue, I probably have already had something to say about.  I recommend all of the material on these web pages to you and encourage you to read the review the writings found at the correspondence, documents and pleadings links for the straight information without any of my opinions, but understand that I have always tried to remain professional and objective in my analysis of the issues.  I have organized the links by topic so you can easily get to what interests you or what you deem important for purposes of being fully informed at the upcoming special meeting.
The Fading Settlement Opportunity (Jan 06) | Lost Settlement Opportunity - Part Deux
What Bothers me the Most (Jan 06) | Any Conscientious Objectors Out There? (Jan 06)
My Challenge to the HOA Board (Feb 06) | Failure to Communicate (May 06)
The "Improperly Elected HOA Board" Argument (May 06)
This is Not the End (Jun 06) | Time to Resign (Jul 06)
The Catfish (Dec 05) | A New "Neighborhood Standard" Mailbox? (Feb 06)
It's Not About the Catfish (Apr 06)| Final Days of the Catfish (Jul 06)
Updates Discussing the Mailbox Issue
 A Word about Family and Friends | That's What I'm Talking About...
...And This Is, Too | A Word of Thanks | We Call Him Scratcher
About the Settlement (May 05) | Initial Settlement Announcement (Jun 06)

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